Thursday, June 18, 2009

One Year Old!!!

Well we have a one year old in our midst. I can't believe how fast this has all gone. Matilda is constantly amazing us as her little personality unfolds daily. She already has her little quirks and makes us laugh all the time.

The birthday party was a blast! Matilda had about 30 guests and loved every minute of it, especially the cake. Sadly Iron Mike had a detached retina, so he and Mema could not make it as he was having a procedure done during the party. Fingers crossed, he is on the mend. Omi and Auntie KiKi flew all the way from England for the festivities. It was so nice to have them here. They helped me so much getting everything prepared and I couldn't have done it without them. They are gone now and it is very quiet here again. We miss them a lot.

Matilda is now a turbo crawler...but no walking yet. She is cruising on everything and even stands for a few seconds on her own. She gets scared and sits down after a while. She gets scared that no one is holding onto her. She gets lots of cheers when she does do it so we can build her confidence.

She is eating like a champ. She eats pretty much everything I give her and because she has 8 chompers now, she is totally on table foods. (I think that I saw tooth #9 poking through today.) No pureed foods for our little Monkey anymore. I kind of miss making the baby food, but I now must move onto bigger and better things. It is a little more intimidating since I have never been a cook. Must step up to the challenge. Omi got us a great cookbook that I am excited to use.

We want to say congratulations to our friends in England, Mark and Nicci. They just welcomed Poppy Marie. She was almost born on Matilda's birthday, but didn't quite make it. So Matilda is 364 days older than she is. She is such a cutie and we can't wait to meet her!

Monday, April 27, 2009

First Words

Keep forgetting to mention that Matilda has been saying a few words. Since 9 1/2 months she has begun building her vocabulary with "kitty, bye bye and Bob Bob". Just the other day I said "thank you" when she gave me a toy. I gave it back to her and she tried to say it to me. So cute!

And she now has 8 teeth! Four on top and four on bottom. She got 2 bottom at 4 months, took a break and 6 started popping through all at once. Not one tear shed!

Friday, April 24, 2009

10 Months

Lots has happened since my last post. Matilda is now crawling all over the place. She took her first few crawls on her 10 month birthday and since then she is getting faster and faster everyday. The only time she now sits contently in my lap is when we are reading. She has too much to explore as she has discovered the rest of the house. The bathroom is her favorite place to hang out. She also loves standing and is practicing pulling up on furniture. No cruising yet, but I am sure that will be happening very soon.

We have been doing lots of traveling as well. Our first road trip was to Davis to visit McKenna, Eliot and Jackson. We spent a weekend with them and had a very nice time. It was our first time in Davis and we really enjoyed the college town. Next stop was LA. Matilda and I had our first flight together and it went better than I imagined. I had 3 nights of insomnia worrying about how I was going to go through security, keep her occupied on the plane, and feed and nap her, but it was all for nothing. She was so good and even managed to fit in a few naps. We spent 4 days with Karen, Mike and family and were able to watch Carmen play in a volleyball tournament. We were supposed to see Joe in a swim meet, but he came down with the flu. I was also able to visit the Eidem family. They hadn't met Matilda yet and she had a lovely time with Hunter and Waylon. She was even introduced to Hot Wheels! And finally, we just returned from a trip to Iowa City to visit Uncle RyRy. Instead of going to his graduation, he asked us to attend his end of year swim banquet. We got a great tour of the campus and got to see where Ryan lives. We also got to see an alumni swim meet at their pool, the Field House. Matilda got a stomach bug at the Denver airport on our way back and managed to let loose her food all over us before we boarded. Luckily I had a change of clothes for her, but just had to wipe myself up with baby wipes. She developed a fever on the plane, but the next day she was feeling much better and back to herself in no time. A not so nice end to a great trip.

No more traveling for a while, but we are looking forward to our Christmas trip to England. Matilda will be 18 months at that point and I am sure it will be even more difficult to keep her contained. We are looking forward to every minute of it!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

9 Months!

Hard to believe that Matilda will be 1 year old in just 3 months. I have not updated in a while. Everyday I remind myself to do it, but somehow the days are moving at the speed of light.

I thought for sure Matilda would be crawling by this age, but she is able to get around very easily by rolling and scooting. She loves trapping herself under the couch and chair in the living room. The remote control, the phone and the laptop charger wire are her favorite items at the moment. And she loves all iPhones. I keep mine safely in my pocket, but she has gotten a few into her mouth. I think she likes chomping on the rubber cases.

Speaking of chomping, a top tooth is bulging right below the surface. She has been a little cranky, but nothing too bad yet. She is sleeping through the night from 7-7. I know she will throw a wrench in things at some point and we'll be up in the middle of the night again, but I am so enjoying it while it lasts.

We have a few trips to Davis in a few weekends to visit our good friends McKenna and Eliot. Matilda is so excited to see her new boyfriend Jackson. He is just a few months younger than she is. She loves children in any shape or size so I know she is going to have great fun with him. Matilda and I are then headed to LA for a long weekend to visit our family and then we are off to Iowa to see Uncle Ryan. We are so excited to visit the town he has been living in for the last few years. Fingers crossed that Matilda is as good on the planes as she has been in the past. She is a wriggler for sure, and will most likely be crawling by then. I am flying to LA by myself, but luckily Uncle David will be with us on the Iowa trip. Sadly, Bart is staying home.

My wonderful year at home is coming to an end. I feel so fortunate that one of us has been able to spend this time with our daughter. I have had such a fantastic time with her! I wish I could do it forever, but I must begin the job hunt. Who knows what is out there with Nevada at a 9% unemployment rate, but I have a few hopeful leads. We are really hoping that I only have to work part-time. Mema has graciously offered to watch Matilda while I go to work. So nice that we don't have to put her in daycare just yet.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lots of Visitors

It's been a while....Omi visited for 10 days and we had so much fun with her. The time always goes by so fast, but she will be here for Matilda's first, hopefully with Opa in tow. Scott, Emily, Elise and Adelle are visiting from Memphis this week. Adelle is now four months old and is such a beautiful baby. She smiles and giggles all the time. Elise is in full on imaginary world mode. I love listening to her, talking about where she is and what she is doing....Target, bathing her babies, music class.

Matilda is very close to crawling. She pushes up on her arms and lifts her chest off the ground. As I was typing the first paragraph, she was trying to reach for a toy and almost got up onto her knees. She instead decided to roll over a few times and has now put the phone into her mouth, the place where all things go. We are reading a lot of books and she loves looking at pictures, but mostly just wants to put the book in her mouth. I hold it far enough away so she can't grab it, but I eventually give in to the teeth and drool.

She will be 8 months in just over a week! We celebrate again with a shot...only one this time.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

7 Months Old!

Matilda turned 7 months yesterday and she is closer to a year old than when she was born. I can't believe how fast it is all going. I love this time with her as a baby as she is learning new things everyday, but I am so excited for what is to come.

She is a rolling machine now. She has finally figured out that rolling is a mode of transportation. If she sees something across the room she wants, she can be over to it in minutes. She continues to rock back and forth when she is on her tummy and is now able to deal with 5 minutes in that position before she starts to melt down.

The replacement mattress for her crib came today (long story), so she will be moving into her room. Haven't decided if we should wait for the weekend so we can have a few more nights with her, or just bite the bullet and put her in there tonight. She has been waking up a lot the last few nights and I dread getting up and down to soothe her. She can't seem to get back to sleep on her own quite yet. I think the swaddling is coming to end as she fights it more than ever now. But she is lying in her crib as I type this in a sleep sack not quite knowing how to fall asleep. She still flails her arms around and can't quite settle. I am hoping this won't be a long process as we all need our sleep.

Omi arrives in a few days and can't wait for her visit! The Memphis crew will also be here in a few weeks.

I typed too soon....I can see her getting drowsy in her crib. Maybe this won't be too bad. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

A new year is upon us and we can't wait for the new adventures that await us.

Matilda had a wonderful Christmas. She loved opening up all of her lovely gifts and is enjoying playing with all of them.

Yesterday she officially rolled over from back to tummy. She has finally figured out how to unpin her arm. I thought she would be rolling nonstop, but she still prefers lying on her back. I am sure she will soon figure out that it is a great mode of transportation.

She had a round of shots today and it seems to be getting easier each time. The tears don't last as long. It is still heart wrenching for both Bart and I. The doctor said we could give her Cheerios so we tried that this afternoon. Most of them ended up on the floor for Bob and when I finally popped one into her mouth for her, she didn't seem to like it too much. I think it is just the texture that she needs to get used to.

Not much more to report....Omi arrives in less than two weeks and then The Evans family will be here at the end of January for the Super Bowl and Uncle Norm's 60th!